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Structure Rating Web Site

Amjad Waheed, PE is the Assistant Administrator and supervises this group.

  Mission Statement

Our mission is to serve the people of Ohio by analyzing the existing structures for their safe load carrying capacity, advising on hauling of Superloads (120,000 pounds and above) and providing R&D support to implement new technology to the load rating and Superload analyses.

Our customers include offices in the Central Office, District Offices and the Office of Permits. We are dedicated to the maintenance of a high level of technical and professional expertise.


Our Goals

The primary goals of the Structure Rating Section as included in the Office of Structural Engineering measurable are as follows:

1. Maintain two days or less turn-around on Superloads

2. Keep the consultant load rating report review turn around time short

3. Analyze new & existing bridges not analyzed before

4. Update current data files to new field conditions and current specs.



At present we have a strength of four full time employees in our group who are performing structural analyses and bridge load ratings, reviewing Superload permits and mobile crane exemption requests, participating in the development of new rating software, Superload and other research projects, and providing support to the District and consultants.

Contact Information

Our contact information is below.

Shelton Howard: 614-752-9975
Richard Irwin: 614-752-9977
          Cindy Wang: 614-466-1973
Amjad Waheed: 614-752-9972
Postal address
C.O., 3rd Floor, 1980 W. Broad St., Col., OH 43223
Electronic mail
Web-author: David Shaver
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