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Print Materials

Print Materials

See a variety of print materials including training and event flier templates, tip cards, and pedestrian and bicyclist safety posters. 

The flier template is easily customizable. Use the Arial font and the color theme under the font color at the top of your Word document. Make sure to type into the formatted text spaces, replacing the words instead of copying and pasting to keep the correct formatting.

Printing the tip cards is easy too. Download, print and distribute at local community events. If you want to print a batch of tips cards yourself and not through a professional print vendor, please see the file that doesn’t include crop and bleed marks. The crop and bleed marks are needed only when printing through a professional printer.​​​​​​​

Event Template Flier (8.5 in. x 11 in.).docx
Flyer (Choose Your Move) 8.5 in. x 11 in.).pdf
Give 3 Feet Poster (11 x 17).pdf
Give 3 Feet Poster (11x17) Crop Marks.pdf
Poster (Choose Your Move) (11 x 17).pdf
Poster (Think outside your car.) (11 in. x 17 in.).pdf
Safety Tip Card - (5.5x8.5) CropMarks.pdf
Safety Tip Card - Think Outside Your Car - (5.5x8.5) CropMarks.pdf
Safety Tip Card (5.5 x 8.5).pdf
Safety Tip Poster - Think Outside Your Car  (11x17) CropMarks.pdf
Safety Tip Poster - Think Outside Your Car (11 x 17).pdf
Safety Tip Poster- Think Outside Your Car 5.5x8.5.pdf
Slow Down Poster (11 x 17).pdf
Slow Down Poster 11x17 CropMarks.pdf
Your Move Campaign Toolkit Implementation Guide.pdf
Give 3 Feet Poster (11x17) (Spanish).pdf
Safety Tip Poster - Think Outside Your Car (11x17) (Spanish).pdf
Slow Down Poster (11x17) (Spanish).pdf
Tip Card (5.5x8.5) (Spanish).pdf
Tip Card (6 in. x 11 in.) (Nepali).pdf
Tip Card (6 in. x 11 in.) (Somali).pdf
Tip Card (6 in. x 11 in.) (Spanish).pdf

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