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Promotional Materials

Use these Your Move Ohio swag ideas to create memorable promotional items for your community.  Materials include window clings and magnets with pedestrian and bicyclist safety messaging, and logo files for bike lights, bike kits and flashing light reflectors. 

Window cling and magnet art is provided below. They can be used interchangeably. Simply download the CMYK logo files from the Your Move Ohio Brand​ page, pick a promotional item and reach out to your local vendor to order and buy the amount you need. Make sure to request a proof before finalizing the order and double-check the logo isn’t too big or too small on your item. Additionally, mock-ups of sample bike lights, reflectors and bike kits are provided for your reference. These would be great promotional items to invest in to keep the Your Move message in front of your audiences.​​​​​

Bicyclist Safety Messaging Cling or Magnet Graphic - Give 3 Feet (10 in. x 4 in.).pdf
Pedestrian Safety Messaging Cling or Magnet - Look Out (10 in. x 4 in.).pdf
Pedestrian Safety Messaging Cling or Magnet - Slow Down (10 in. x 4 in.).pdf
Bike Flashing Light Reflector.jpg
Bike Kits.jpg
Bike Lights.jpg

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