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ODOT / Working / Contracts / Bidding Construction Projects

Prebid Meetings​​​​​

A listing of upcoming prebid meetings.​​​​​​

2/13/2025250077113013ROS-SR 159-00.411/8/2025District 9 HQ, 650 Eastern Ave, Chillicothe - Great Seal Conference Room12/31/2024
12/12/202424051275923LAW - SR 7 - 02.17 Phase 211/13/2024District 9 HQ, 650 Eastern Ave, Chillicothe, 1:00 pm9/19/2024
11/14/2024240517115750CUY - SR 176 - 13.34/VAR10/29/2024Onsite - infield of IR 71 NB to W. 14th Street Ramp10/21/2024