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Safe Routes to School Video with Mrs. Kasich

Highway Safety
Safe Routes to School Ambassador Program

Watch the video below to learn more about the Safe Routes to School Ambassador Program sponsored and endorsed by Ohio's First Lady Karen Kasich.

Why Walking and Biking to School Are Important

Helps prevent obesity and its subsequent consequences such as heart disease, diabetes and bone and joint pain. The Ohio Department of Health reports that 34% of Hispanic children, 27% of Caucasian children and 25% of African-American pre-school children in Ohio are overweight. Obesity affects 17% of Ohio third graders while an additional 18% are overweight.

Improves learning. New studies by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that exercise – such as walking and riding bikes before and after school – boosts academic performance and concentration. An American Heart Association’s presentation showed a direct correlation between children’s level of fitness and their performance on standardized tests in reading, math, science and social studies.

Helps develop lifelong healthy habits.

Reduces automotive congestion around schools from parents driving their children to school.

Improves air quality around schools with the reduction of vehicles emitting CO2. Transportation contributes 29% of greenhouse gas emissions.

Helps children grow into self-reliant, independent adults.