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Develop Your SRTS Program

Safe Routes to School 

Develop Your SRTS Program...
Plan Development

Before you apply for SRTS funding, you need to develop a plan. SRTS applications can be developed based on School Travel Plans (STP) or Active Transportation Plans (ATP). The guidelines, information, links and templates accessed below in the SRTS Development Toolkit will get you started on the right path.​

A School Travel Plan is a written document that outlines a community’s intentions for enabling students to engage in active transportation (i.e. walking or bicycling) as they travel to and from school. A comprehensive STP is created through a team-based approach that involves key community stakeholders and members of the public in both identifying barriers to active transportation and using infrastructure and non-infrastrcuture approaches to address them.

An Active Transportation Plan outlines the vision, goals and strategies needed to support increased walking, bicycling and other modes of transportation. It should identify a combination of programs, policies and physical improvements that are needed to ensure safety, comfort and convenience of active transportation modes. For more information, visit ODOT's Guide for Active Transportation Plans.

Visit the Active Transportation Academy for free community courses on developing your own School Travel Plan or Active Transportation Plan.

The Toolkit
Use the links below to access tools and information that will help you develop your SRTS Program!


Ohio makes $4 million available each year to assist communities in improving safety and connectivity for students to walk or bike to school. Visit the Apply for Funds page to review application guidance and apply for project funding. Projects are competitively selected based on percentage of students expected to benefit, crash rate, economic status and delivery of past projects.

Getting Started

Approved School Travel Plans

Supporting Documentation

Safe Routes to School Map Room Link


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